Friday, July 16, 2010

Working For Yourself....

when do we cross the line when it comes to working "too much". i have recently pulled over 80 hours of over time and this got me thinking... why am i not dead yet? is it cause i have an office job? maybe but i am not tired of it nay i love to keep busy and work. now don't get me wrong i LOVE the paycheck as well but i got asked by my boss the other day " if you need to take a break i can have some one else cover your shift. and as i had been covering someone else shift and i am now on the last leg of my shift, i started to ask my self why am i not burned out as it were. i mean i have friends and i could be hanging out with but why am i isolating myself to my work $$$ aside? i think i am one of the few of my generation that doesn't mind working better yet enjoy working. when i am doing something and using the skills i have learned to complete a task i feel fulfilled and like i have earned the right to wake up the next morning. and when i am not at work i find more and more stuff to do while hanging out with friends or if i go to the clubs i usually clear the table i am sitting at and "help out" helping out almost got me thrown out of a hotel ... that's a story for another day. but my nickles worth here is that kids now a days have video games and computers that they will play with all day but when it comes to work if it is not within reach or if they have to turn off their game they don't want to do it. i say the fix for the next generation is for a complete change. i remember when we use to BEG my mom to outside.. now if you get grounded you have to go outside and play. lets take away the computers in the room and the video games in the room and the TV's even and lets get back to basics. make your kids earn everything they have from the games to the computer to the "cell phone" [another rant for later] if we would all get back to those basics then maybe we can save the future.


  1. I have to say, your post is kind of manic, like you did just come off a double-shift.

    Also, just my opinion, the future doesn't need saving. We might, but the future will be fine.

  2. every now and again Manic is the way to go >_<
