Friday, April 23, 2010

Through The Looking Glass and Into The Cup

Ever wonder why you see the world one way and someone sees it a totally different way? Is it because your upbringing was different or that you’re just in a different mindset from everyone else? I don’t think so. I think we see things as we want to see them at all times based on the needs and wants of ourselves at that time. Take a field of grass and weeds for example. The farmer sees it as hay to sell or feed his livestock. A Gardner might see it as an over taken chance to place the garden of their dreams. A politicians "if it is in a city area" might think of it as an eye sore and a lot can be used for "development". An artist might find it as a chance to capture nature’s way of tasking back what rightfully belongs to it. An animal might find it a refuse and a place to call home. All this is seen in the way they want because it is what is needed at that time. People see other people the same way. One might look at a person they just meet and think that they are the one for them. That they were made for one another and they should stay with each other for ever. This can be carried over to people you call friends or allies at work or even business partners. We all make connections with people that we think we need in our clouded state of fulfilling those wants and needs when really anyone would have done to fill the gap that was. Bottem line is that you can’t let what you want or need be your eyes and ears. Train yourself to keep a “true vision” of what is around you and your ears free from your own “selective hearing” keep a clear head in your day to day and think about what is truly right, wrong and indifferent for you and yourself and ensure the choices you make today are not going to fade into the night tomorrow. Remember this life doesn’t come with refills and once that cup is full you are the one that has to drink out of it.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Children. The Investment

Procreation as Webster’s defines it is: to beget or bring forth offspring. In others words have kids but what is the point behind bringing a child into this world? Well many will answer that many ways. Some say to ensure the passing of the gene pool. Others will define it as to have a tax deduction. I am going to cover the reason I think deep down we want to have kids. In my 23 years on this round thing I have found that for the most part kids bring many things into their parent’s life. These little bundles of sometimes joy bring about many feelings of fear “will my kid be able to make it in this world” “will I be able to provide for my child” “will my kid be SAFE?” then you have the feeling of joy “my child is learning how to crawl, walk, talk” “my child is in the top of his/hers class”. But the most feeling that I have seen 99% of parents exhibit no matter what happened in their life or their children’s life is LOVE and that is one of the greatest things about procreation is that for 18 years and 9 months you have invested your love and someone else’s love in to this human being that for the most part show it back 200% no matter what. The point is to go out and enjoy the love that is a child cause no one and nothing can come as close as they do to that strong of feeling.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Coffee Life, Whats in your cup?

As I sit here in the coffee house watching people go by I realize that the type of coffee you drink can say a lot about your life. Some people want their “life” to be Bold and full of flavor like the Dark roast. Some prefer it to be fast Strong and full of energy like the Espresso. Others like to choose their “life” a little sweet yet a little bold like a medium roast with sugar and cream or a Latte. Many want it chill and on ice and full of more sugar and flavor than anything else, and you have those that like to take it slow and just sit and sip at it like the decaf. When we define life this way it makes us stop and think. “Do I live like I really want to?” “Is what is in my cup really what I want?” “Am I able to live up to what I have chosen to be in my cup?” Either way the point here is this. If you live your life to your coffee choice then remember that no matter how you like your coffee make sure you have lived a Super Grande cause when that cup runs out unlike the coffee house there are no refills